Calm, Calm, Calm Dog Behaviourist and Training Wiltshire Whether you need to train your puppy with good habits or teach an old dog new tricks you can improve your dog's behaviour with Will Davies. As well as good habits you can train your dog to behave around other people and also other dogs so that you can control your dog when out and about.
Will Davies can help you with your dogs, puppies and uses his 30 years of experience to work with both owners and their dogs in partnership. Being able to administer tried and tested techniques you can now enjoy your dog's company to the full.
Using his skills, he is able to recognise the unique needs that your dog and you as an owner have. He then uses these points to help you reach your objectives and aims which is discussed during a consultation. If necessary, following sessions are then suggested to ensure that your build a long lasting rapport with your dog.
Training experience includes:
Call Us Get in touch to learn more with Will Davies in Westbury, Wiltshire, Somerset and Hampshire. For basic obedience training through to advanced training you can count on Will for the results you are looking for. Call 07913 785 238 to enquire.